About Lauren

Lime is, and always has been, my signature color.  You’ll find it all over my house, my wardrobe, and my office.  My friends and family know this quirk about me, and they also know my passion for photography.  I have my camera in hand at all times and find such joy capturing a memory in a unique way.  Time and time again, I delight in catching a sweet smile of a toddler or a loving look between engaged couples.  I love being a part of each family for a few hours as I strive to truly reflect their closeness and enjoyment with each other.   

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About Rebecca

Signature Lime is SO excited to have Rebecca as part of the family in 2019! She and Lauren have been enjoying working together at weddings…she is the queen of the detail shots and we keep every moment fun and fast! After all, the bride and groom want to hang out with their family and friends, not the photographers! These two boy moms will join forces for fall photos for the first time ever. AND Signature Lime is very happy to offer newborn photography again…Rebecca is absolutely incredible with capturing those first days of magic. Welcome Rebecca!

Thrive in Love. Cherish Laughter. Reflect the Light.